Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Chinese astrological I Ching reading: 7/6/16

7/6 is the day of Earth Ox in the month of Wood Sheep. This is a clashing combination. It favors independence and financial speculation.
This day is designated as inauspicious and destructive.
A destructive day is good for destroying things, demolitions, and such things as tooth extractions and surgical procedures. It is a day for caution, and is bad for opening a new business, traveling, and getting married. It can bring harm to livestock and pets, and is unfavorable for legal issues.
The lunar mansion of this day is Zhen, Carriage. It is not fortunate, considering that this is a destructive day. It is also bad for traveling north.
Ox, the sign of this day, is the Star of Art for Snake, Rooster, and Ox. If you were born in a year or day of one of these three signs, this is a good day for creative work. If you are frustrated or confused over a certain work, put it aside for the time being if you don't want to destroy it.
Ox favors Ox, Snake, Rooster, Rat, and Pig; is neutral toward Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, and Monkey; and clashes with Horse, Sheep, and Dog.
The I Ching hexagram for this day, using the King Wen method, is number 4, line 4.

Hexagram 4 is Meng, the Fool. I don't seek out the fool. The fool seeks me out. If he asks for an oracle, I tell him. If he asks the same thing over and over, I stop. It is good to persevere toward one's goals.

Line 4 advises against having pie in the sky. The zodiac signs for line 4, Dog and Rooster, are ambivalent toward one another. Dog is strong by the element of the season, and Rooster is weak. Dog and Rooster, by the element of the hexagram, signify business interests and money. Dog and Rooster are partly in harmony, and partly clash with the signs of the day and month. It shows business activity. Profits lie ahead. The Earth of Earth Ox day puts a dragon in line 4. This is auspicious. The otherwise inauspicious indications for the day, notwithstanding, the dragon encourages taking advantage of all opportunities for making money that come along today.

Raphael gives in-depth personal Chinese astrological consultations, psychic readings, and fengshui consultations. For information about Raphael's work, visit  www.raphaelsimons.com or simons.traphael@gmail.com

Raphael's book on fengshui, Feng Shui Step by Step, is reprinted and available at Amazon and  www.createspace.com/3472024

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